The Found Objects Project
What is the project? On Thursday 28th March, 2013 we had the launch event for the inaugural issue of The STEAM Journal!
At the event each attendee was given a small colored clear cylindrical containers that was filled with small found objects (any combination of seeds, foil, thread, beads, sequins, miniature gears, parts of watches, small nails and other natural and synthetic materials). Individuals took these home as a gift from The STEAM Journal. We ask "What do you think/do with the found objects?" This project is open to anyone ( those who attended, those who did not attend)...
How to take part
- Use any small found objects (between 3 and 6 objects) that fit in the palm of your hand (or if you were at the event use the container or objects given to you) and answer/reflect/be inspired by the question "What do you think/do with the found objects?"
- This project is designed to be open and invite reactions to found objects.
- Please send in one or more of the following to
- Up to 5 photos(JPEG, 2MB or smaller)
- Video up to 3 minutes, send a Youtube or Vimeo link
- Any written document up to 1000 words
These will be featured on the Claremont Graduate University STEAM website at and a composite image will be created for the second issue of the journal, and every contributor's name will be listed with that composite image.
If you took part in the event please use the objects in the container as inspiration or the materials for anything you would like to do with the objects. You can take part even if you did not attend the event, simply pick at between 3 and 6 small objects that can fit in the palm of your hand and then reflect or create or write about the found objects.
This project will take place and be open to receiving photos, videos or text from
28th March 2013 till 28th July 2013
Any questions can be directed to